So today I went and got a new do. I got bangs!!! Now I have the requisite Japanese/Korean girls' haircut...all shaggy and colored and straight. I didn't plan on it, I didn't ask for it, but that is what I have. And you know what...I LOVE IT!!! I feel really fresh right now, and no it didn't involve Massengil. I love how a new do makes you feel kind of different, I have had the same look for at least 2/3rds of my life, and this is the 4th time I've tried bangs. We'll see how long I can stand it this time though. My shortest record: 1 day before I decided to grow it longest 4-5 months.
I have to take back what I said about the "Authorized Service Providers," they are really nice men who are very helpful and I didn't see not one in a bathrobe, that was a past experience though. I actually haven't seen these guys at all because ummm...somebody else dropped it off. I hope I get my laptop back tomorrow. I called them this morning to tell them to save all of my Sims stuff, I don't think it gets any dorkier than that.
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