Have you ever met one of those people that are too serious? They don't have that on/off switch to tells them that in some social situations, they're supposed to be light-hearted. All they do is talk about serious things. They'll ruin a perfectly good time by bringing up something just to get everybody heated, because you just can't help but get pulled into that black hole of acerbity*. And I don't mean a person who just loves to debate because the serious person is grim even when you agree with them. They're all about analyzing emotional states and telling you about their bad childhood or worse telling you what their therapist says is wrong with them. Or worst of all, they try to tell you about yourself, as if the five minutes they spent with you somehow gave them insight into your entire life. They grasp onto something like cultural background and think they've got you ALL figured out. Now don't get me wrong, I can have elements of this person from time to time, I can be a pretentious prick too...but I like to think I have a sense of humor and a certain frivolity to balance that out. Having that oh-so-serious attitude must feel like walking around with a fifty pound cement block chained to your leg, which kind of explains why those people are considered a drag.
*As you can see, I've been using the thesaurus again. (but apparently not the spellcheck, why didn't anybody tell me I misspelled thesaurus the first time around)
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