Tuesday, January 30, 2007

honesty and rewards

Sometimes I think that honesty and integrity are worthless endeavors. I decided to do the "right" thing regarding some money and my job. I called about some money I will be getting after I noticed that I would be getting paid more than I should. After making the phone calls there is now going to be an inquiry which will probably end up with money being taken out of my paycheck. I guess I should feel good that I am the kind of person who wants fairness and has the integrity to not take advantage...being a "good" person who does the "right" thing SHOULD make me feel some sense of pride of self-respect. But mostly I'm sitting here wishing I hadn't mentioned anything. Particularly considering the fact that my job SCREWED me and is paying me far far far less than I am worth. And consistently messes us my and everybody else's paychecks, rarely if ever in our favor. So the money I would have gotten from them, barely a drop in the bucket compared to the money they have not given me.

So where are the rewards of this thing called honesty?

UPDATE: I get a phone call this morning...apparently, every once in a while David REALLY does beat Goliath. NICE!

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