Tuesday, February 20, 2007

soul-sucking tv land

I don't know how it happened. No wait, scratch that...I actually know EXACTLY how it happened. It was on the way back from Hawaii, I was not in the most positive of spaces and ended up watching the in-flight entertainment and one of the shows they played was Heroes. I had heard a lot about the show, anybody with even the slightest trace of fan-boy geekiness in them has heard of this show. For god's sake...it's a show about genetic mutations that lead to superpowers. I know, I know...some people hate it because it's a rip-off of X-men...I've rationalized that whole thing by deciding that it's more of an homage (which is way more forgivable). All it took was one show and the next thing I knew I was sitting in front of the computer watching episode after episode on youtube and wherever else I could find the other thirteen episodes I hadn't seen yet. My personal record for marathon viewing clocked in at five episodes in one night. Now I rush home Monday nights to watch the show on the DVR that came with the satellite tv service. It's hard to not be a television zombie when you have a ridiculous amount of stations at your disposal...but I've tried to be diligent about not watching the boob tube. Except for Heroes...I'm hooked.

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