Tuesday, May 29, 2007

harry and the hendersons

Went to Sasquatch for the first time this past weekend. Rather than a long drawn out post detailing the minutia of the weekend, like overflowing port-o-potties and gross ass "chicken" gyros, I'll just speed things up a bit with a five most memorable things list:

5. Watching seriously drunk people stumble over to our camp and make complete and total asses of themselves. Including a girl who tried to steal our chairs, then when told they weren't hers...tried to smash them. And the guy who was being hazed and apparently pulled down his pants to pee while splayed out on the ground and then started to hump the grass.

4. The GORGE! Now I see why it is considering the most beautiful venue in the U.S. It was gorgeous, even on Sunday when the cold and strong wind caused the people in charge to close down a couple of stages.

3. Ghostland Observatory. In my next life, I want to come back as a beautiful and androgynous Native American dude who may be the only person ever to get away with wearing the tightest pants I have ever seen.

Seriously, the look of confusion on some of the men's faces as they wondered where the tingly feelings in their tummies were coming from because of the guy on stage was priceless.

2. Hanging out with awesome friends. In a crowd of tens of thousands, it's always a great feeling when you run across your friends/family and get to hang out.

1. The most magical, gorgeous, pixie goddess of light and magic with the best act I have ever seen in my entire life...BJORK!

My god...it was quite possibly the most amazing experience I have had... EVER! I thought I was going to give birth to a big ball of joy during her set. I was enraptured and enthralled. She seriously could have gotten me to commit ritual suicide I was so wrapped up in her. I get shivers just thinking about it. That one set made the entire weekend worth it!!!

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