Friday, October 10, 2008

i can be your heroes baby

Yay for Heroes being back for Season 3. I've only managed to catch the first night on an actual tellie which almost makes me consider going out and buying one of those cable converter thingies. Almost.

So far there are some things that I REALLY like about the new season. The kind of like that makes me shout at the tv/computer:
Linderman is back and is some kind of PTSD figment of Nathan's imagination...hells to the yizzeah.
The new psychedelic goo eating hot African dude who talks about Carl Jung.
Sylar getting Claire's powers...fuck yeah.
Sylar potentially being the brother of Nathan and Peter
Sylar in general.

Things I am not so stoked on:
The fact that they make shitty characters just so they can throw in some hot chicks. First there's this new triplet character, so dumb that I can't even remember her name. I didn't like her when she was the "twins," I was glad when she/they died last season. But then making the actress into some stereotypical hottie assistant who fucks her boss...I mean really? And has the power of Mr. Freeze? And then Maya who somehow miraculously has lost most of her Ecuadorian accent and most of her clothes and now sounds and dresses like she's from Jersey? I mean seriously, can Elle get more screen time? At least she's interesting.
And speaking of interesting female characters...ummmmm so why did Claire go from being a sweet blonde Aryan cheerleader girl when she was all innocent and full of hope for the future and then turns into a dark haired, vaguely dragonladyish bad girl with a bad attitude and a slightly ethnically ambiguous appearance? Why the bad guy always gotta be a brown-head? And does being mean somehow give you time to go tanning all of the time? Whaddup with all of that?
And which one of the writers rented The Fly recently...probably the one writing Saresh's plot I'm guessing.

I could go on and on and on. Mostly because I'm a geek. To sum up... Stoked about the season, Sylar rocks my socks, and please for god's sake kill off the playboy bunny characters and let somebody other than the old lady be an interesting female character who doesn't have to spend half of her time either crying or on her back.

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