I would have to say that one was my magic number in N'awlins. Everything pretty much happened just once.
o Some random drunk man at a bar handed me a dollar bill. First he asked me if I wanted the dollar and I was definitely suspect..."You're giving me a dollar just to give me one?" yes. "I don't have to do anything for it?" yes. So I reached for the dollar like a dog reaches for a treat from a stranger. I don't even remember if I said thanks because it was just so WEIRD. Drunk people are awesomely random.
o I suffered a random head injury because one of the thousands of suits in the city (due to a cell-phone industry conference) threw a set of beads off of a balcony and they hit me in the head. At the VERY moment the plastic weapons of mass inebriation were diving towards the pepetual target that is my head, I was telling Katie..."Knowing my luck, I'll get beaned in the head with...OWWWWWWW"
o I met some guy who was from San Bernadino (although that in itself isn't amazing since S.B. is huge) but it's still pretty random considering that Katie and I were drunkenly giving compliments to people who walked past us and he was the first person to stop and chat.
o Got a psychic tea-leaf reading. It was everything I expected, just a bunch of generalizations to make a person feel good about their life...I didn't fall for it, optimism is for suckers. Let's see in a year I will meet the most amazing person, my twin flame and I will have the ability to make lots of money since I'm heading into a new four-year cycle of life. Katie had a cooler experience. We have it all on tape.
o At some random half-empty bar, we started talking to a pretty hot guy with a very large suitcase. Turns out he's a magician and he talks to us for a bit and then does a magic trick for us involving two rubberbands. Mind over matter.
o Tried almost every "famous" N'awlins food tradition once...gumbo, red beans & rice, jambalaya, po-boy, muffaletta, etc. Except for the beignets...we had those twice...they were yummy-yummy fried death covered in powdered sugar.
o Once, just once...the number of times I got so drunk that I vomited up everything from my tongue to my rectum. It was the day we left, lesson learned....no binge drinking the night before you head out on an eleven hour drive.
o Got a discount at this awesome little shop Roadkill, from one sexy biker dude. How did I get the discount? By speaking Chinese...who knew that the Zhong-wen would come in handy?
o And so on and so on. N'awlins is a crazy city.
PS-Yes, I saw boobs. Yes, I have beads. NO, I did not "earn" them.
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