Yay for me...I got a shout-out from a person with a salon.com blog, which means they are well-read and not a cheap-ass like me and willing to pay for a salon.com subscription rather than sit through a daily barage of advertisements. So Andrew sent me a meme and I'm actually a little embarassed to answer it because then people will KNOW that I'm a complete dunce rather than merely suspecting it. Ahhh well, since I've always felt the need to make myself look ridiculous...here goes.
Stick It Game
You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451; which book do you want to be?
From the first question I'm forced to bare my soul with one magnificently horrifying admission... I've never read Fahrenheit 451. BUT I HAVE AN EXCUSE, I SWEAR! I think I might have seen parts of the movie though...wow, I'm so ashamed.
Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
I'm not completely sure what "crush" really means here. Did I find myself attracted to a character? Sure...I think it would be almost impossible to connect with a book and not find some measure of attraction to the characters in it.
The last book you bought was:
I like to cruise the clearance rack at Borders which means you don't really get top quality selections (I know...I'm just making excuses now), so the last book I bought but haven't read is The Autograph Man by Zadie Smith.
The last book you read:
The last book I read in its entirety was Choke by Chuck Palahniuk. It was hilarious but very similar to Fight Club, so I'm guessing that all of Palhniuk's books touch on the same themes.
What are you currently reading?
Constitutional Law for a Changing America: Rights, Liberties, and Justice. Clearly a textbook, I haven't read a real honest to goodness book in a long long time.
Five books you would take to a desert island:
Wow, this is a tough one. I'm assuming this question means that you're chances of being rescued are pretty small so you better choose books that you wouldn't mind reading over and over again.
For practicality's sake I would have to choose, Living Off the Land: Tracking, Building Traps, Shelters, Toolmaking, Finding Water and Food because otherwise I would spend my days questioning why I was on the last scrap of land that didn't have a Starbucks within walking distance.
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King, I can't really say why but I really like this book.
She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb because I read this book and I find the similarities between the main character and myself frightening.
The Color Purple by Alice Walker.
Any of The Far Side collections. No matter how many times I see those cartoons, I always laugh and I suspect that you would need the laughs. Of course when you introduce the collection to your volleyball-shaped friend, it'll be like discovering the humor for the first time and you can sit back and giggle under your breath while Wilson looks at them. Good times...good times.
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