Monday, January 09, 2006

his and hers

I'm not completely sure what produced this train of thought. It is probably exhaustion keeping the usual checks and balances that prevent the crazy from running rampant in my brain from working. At any rate, sometime during the day, I started thinking about gendered speech. Which somehow made me start thinking about feminine hygiene products and the "not so fresh" feeling. And then the epiphany struck and if I were still in school, still doing the whole gender studies thing. I might actually consider doing a dissertation on the subject.
Why is it that the way we talk about crotch ailments is so gendered? When men get the fungal going in their crotches, it's called JOCK ITCH. Manly sounding isn't it? Men get to blame exercise for their down-under funkiness. And not just any old exercise...oh NO...the exercise of JOCKS, super-duper ultra-masculine exercise. And since it's just an itch, well you get an otc spray and problem solved.
However, when women get the fungal going's not an overabundance of activity and sweat that gets blamed. NO...we get INFECTIONS! Dirty, dirty infections to go along with all the crazy lack of groin freshness that we have to deal with already. And infections require the loving care of a doctor just waiting to use a super cold speculum.
Just another sign that women are evil and nasty, just like that damnable Eve.

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