Sunday, January 22, 2006


Did you ever have one of those really great weekends that made you think, "Wow, my life RAWKS." I totally had one of those weekends. Everything about this weekend was just great. I got to spend quality time with my family and friends. And there is no greater feeling than realizing that you are creating fulfilling and beautiful relationships with people. I met some new people that I hope to get to know better. I cleaned my apartment and went on a totally financially ill-advised shopping rampage in order to make my place feel a little more homey. I even went so far as to use my stove and cook food, though once it was cooked I didn't feel even remotely compelled to eat it. And the Seahawks are going to the Superbowl for the first time ever. I'm really feeling (dare I say it) like somehow something in my life switched and I'm moving in a positive direction that just seems ripe with possibilities. I know that sounds totally trite, but for the first time in a while I'm actually glad to have this feeling of hope.

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