Friday, May 19, 2006


It occurred to me today that I moved back to Washington exactly one year and one day ago. Wow, that really isn't that long but I've had such a profound feeling of finally being home that it seems like much longer. And the changes I've experienced in this last year have been huge for me. I've finally really lived on my own for the first time ever. I've made a lot of physical changes for the better, to include a massive tattoo that I still have to make a conscious effort at clothing choice so my mom doesn't see it. I turned thirty, which makes the whole mom thing even funnier. I have amazing friends and my family and (super*gush) a great man in my life. It's been good, life is good despite my fickleness and tendency to dramatize and complain a lot. I made the right decision coming back here and moving up to Seattle. Happy anniversary to me!

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