Wednesday, May 10, 2006

regularly scheduled

AHHHHHHHH, I'm finally back on my regular four-day a week, every Wednesday off work schedule. It feels great and completely irresponsible because now that I've lived the high life with the extra money I was earning, it'll be hard to go back to my miserly ways. Although there is the bonus of losing weight with having to go back to my prison diet which will be good because I gained a little weight when I decided to try to kick the last little bit of my ever-reocurring smoking habit. Of course, on my first day of being off you would think that I would sleep in...but NOOOOO, stupid chirping springtime birds got me out of bed before 7am...which if you ask me is a time that shouldn't even really exist. So now that I have a whole day before me, with the weather finally deciding to agree with my schedule, what do I do with all my time? Suggestions?

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