Saturday, April 04, 2009

space saving

There is an undeniable trend amongst my younger lady friends. I've noticed a dramatic shift in body shape from "normal", curvy, & feminine to rail thin, adolescent, & almost boyish. No more are there breasts and hips and thighs. Now there are stick legs with thighs that don't graze, pre-pubescent breast buds, and SKINNY. I've always noticed a tendency in Seattle for rail thinness. We are after all a mecca for hipsters and skinny jeans. But there was always a bit of a buffer between that ideal and the acceptance of curviness in my friend group. That seems no longer the case however. I had dinner with a friend the other night who has gone from curves to angles recently and she spoke of her desire to be healthy and how this sometimes consumes her thinking. And seeing my newly skinny friends has definitely triggered something in me, I am not very excited by the image looking back at me in the mirror lately. As a woman who has struggled with her weight her entire life...having suffered eating disorders and self-worth questions...I just wish this need for validation via one's body wasn't so prevalent.

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