Saturday, July 31, 2004

attention defici...hey, what's on tv?

I am freaking out. I have a paper due on Thursday and I cannot get myself even remotely close to academically functional enough to write the cover page much less the whole frikkin thing. I have a total mental block because this teacher not only specified what size font (12 point) but she specified which font (Times New Roman). Now in the scheme of things that really isn't THAT big a deal, but I have always used that as a last minute option in case I can't create enough bullshit to make those final required pages. But not having that option has caused my brain to go right into synapic traffic bumper to bumper...lots of noise and stress but not really moving anywhere. SHIT!
Also, I have an uncanny knack of picking out the WORST movies ever at the rental store. Kernels of wisdom, don't watch "Confessions of a teenage drama queen," mental suicide wouldn't stop the pain of wasting some of your life's precious time (don't ask me why I wanted to watch that movie, I thought bitchy high school saline-bags would be funny) and even though something like "Winning horror shorts from Fangoria magazine" sounds like it would be can pretty much assume that when zombies break out into song and dance ala "Rocky Horror Picture Show" have been duped.

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