Saturday, January 22, 2005

so where do i rsvp for this pity party?

I found this at work today...I think they were off by about two days:

If a British psychologist's assessment is correct, next Monday (January 24th) will be the most depressing day of 2005 for man.
Dr. Cliff Arnall, who specializes in seasonal disorders at the University of Cardiff in Wales, has devised a form for such factors as weather, time since Christmas, monetary debt and motivation levels, reports MSNBC.
"Following the initial thrill of New Year's celebrations and changing over a new leaf, reality starts to sink in...The realization coincides with the dark [winter] clouds rolling in and the obligation to pay off Christmas bills."

UPDATE (1/24/05)-Hmm, I don't feel particularly depressed but I did wake up this morning with a fever blister on my lip. Right now, it's just a minor irritation, like a burning zit. By tonight, it will have taken over my face. My fever blisters are like the British Empire, they colonize every scrap of space available to them.

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