Sunday, March 05, 2006

tax man

Being sick is often a blessing in disguise. I was exposed to various contagions throughout the week, Seattle is having the worst funky flu season this year. I could feel my body trying really hard to not get sick, but by Friday I was definitely noticing the whole "feeling like poo" thing peaking. So I cancelled all of my weekend plans, including a visit from some Canucks who I have been missing like crazy. And I finally got a decent amount of rest, in the last two days I managed to get at least twenty hours of sleep. And I got to take a bath, a real bath with rose scented bubbles. And I somehow rested enough to develop the motivation to do my taxes and take care of other financial headaches I'd been avoiding...and I cleaned my apartment, to include DUSTING! So thanks to the disease carriers in my life, unwittingly they helped me out. And if I do develop mono, well losing those last fifteen pounds will be a whole lot easier.

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