Thursday, March 02, 2006

throwing the baby out with the bath water

We all have really strange patterns of behavior, particularly when it comes to how we interact with other people. And some patterns are probably positive and well-intentioned. But let's face it, we completely focus on the shitty patterns...the things we do to scare a person away or freak them out a little bit. And even though I'm trying very hard NOT to indulge myself in my internal script on how to make myself crazier than usual because now I can involve somebody else in my just happens so quickly and easily, like putting on a super-comfy pair of sweats with the threadbare knees and jagged hems. I blame my brain, overly analytical and far too cerebral. I can never let those stupid sleeping dogs lie; I just have to poke poke poke at them until they wake up. So when you introduce somebody else with the same penchant for poking and analyzing every situation to death...well, it's doesn't seem like such a good thing. Except that it really is a good thing, which makes me really REALLY not want to not overthink it. But dammit those sweats sure feel good.

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