Wednesday, October 25, 2006

My computer is still on the blink. It makes me realize that I use the computer far too much for somebody who doesn't need one for work or school or anything that could possibly justify the amount of time I spend in front of a computer screen. A lot has happened lately. Let's see... o I just went through a weird and unexpected spell of fighting with Devo. We spent days stuck in a rut of the 3 Fs...fighting, feeding, and...other stuff. I had forgotten about that part of relationships. You know, the part when the person you care deeply for can be the person who can hurt your feelings the most. Luckily we worked through that little bump. Hopefully it'll stay a molehill that doesn't feel the need to develop short man's syndrome. o My friend Gabs was in town over the weekend. We had a ton of fun. We even went to a pumpkin patch with a corn maze in the shape of Washington state. They have school field trips through the maze so the kids can get an idea of how far apart things are and such. We opted not to learn anything important. Instead we learned how easily you can make the most innocent things seem phallic for photographs. o My ex had his first date. Everybody keeps asking me how I feel about that. I'm stoked. I think he should get out more. Hopefully he'll meet somebody nice and good for him. o I'm going out of town this weekend for a Halloween party. We got our roller derby costumes pretty much all finished. It's going to be super fun. Devo needs to get an athletic supporter though because our shorts are really short and really tight. Honestly I don't think everybody needs to know whether or not he's circumcised. Pictures of the costumes will be forthcoming. Well, I guess that's about all I can squeeze out for now. Hopefully I'll get something done with the laptop soon.

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