Monday, October 09, 2006

policy maker

Me=venting. Venting=probably not fit for public consumption. Me=doing it anyway. I don't beat around the bush. I truly feel that if a person takes the time to ask me my opinion about something, then I should give them an honest, thoughtful answer. I also generally try to take into account who I am speaking with and figure out a good way to communicate my opinion so as not to look too harsh or unsupportive. I like to believe that most people who know me know this about me. I would also like to believe that knowing that, people who ask me for my opinion are ready for it. So color me surprised when somebody asks me what I think about something and then gets insulting when they don't particularly like what I have to say about it. You don't want to hear my opinion if it isn't exactly like yours, then don't take the chance and fucking ask me in the first place. Fucking ask somebody else. Or better yet, don't ask me to comment on situations that I don't know nearly enough about and expect my opinion to compare with people who have way more information. And don't throw something back in my face, comments I've made about different discussions altogether, as some kind of reactionary retributive bullshit. Because let me tell you, two can play that game and I don't like to lose.

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