Sunday, October 24, 2004

blog stats

I put a new blogger stat counter on my page a while ago and the cool thing is that it gives stats on what the referral was that led to my blog. I have learned some INTERESTING things.

1. (EDITED because of minor pangs of guilt and a brief brush with sensitivity) Just brief online stalker drive-bys. <--left that because dammit it was a GOOD LINE, witticisms are hard to come by.
2. Moe's Tex-Mex grill must be becoming REALLY popular. A lot of my web-engine searches are things like John Coctosan and Billy Barou, two of their menu items that I mentioned in a previous post. Well haha suckers, I didn't know who they were either so you search my page in VAIN.
3. I had a search from Frank Langella and the movie "Sweet William." But little did they know that when they showed up to my page I was going to call him a dick and say that he kind of sucks now. How's that for a review???
4. Now THIS is the most disturbing search. Somebody went to Yahoo and typed in "intersexed pics." AND MY SITE SHOWED UP!!! I remember talking about intersexed people once but I didn't remember posting any pictures for God's sake. And seriously what was the motivation for the person looking up intersexed+pics? Was it research for a class presentation? Did somebody find out they were having an intersexed child and want to inform themselves? Or did typing "chicks with dicks" seem a little too obvious? Now mark my word, I'll go to my stats one day and see that somebody ACTUALLY looked up "chicks with dicks" and got directed to my site. TSK TSK.

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