Monday, September 12, 2005

cinema paradiso

Because my daddy was in town this weekend, I didn't get out and do much other than eat copious amounts of animal flesh and drink beer. But it was nice, I can actually talk to my dad. He gave me a good & realistic pep talk, not just the rah-rah-rah cheerleader, everything will be okay bullshit. Candor is one of the things I appreciate the most. So anyhoo, we watched a couple of movies because that's what you do when you have nothing else to do.
Let's see, we saw Four Brothers. It was okay, I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either. But I did love the littlest brother...MEOW, I love grungy little rockstar wanna-bes (and DJs, but that's an unfortunate addiction).
Then we watched some rentals. First, we watched Crash. This movie was devastating. It is the kind of movie that almost makes you wonder what the point of being alive is. How we can sometimes be trapped by a social structure that we had no part in creating. How we often perpetuate the structure even though we want it to change. How, often, we don't even care enough to try and make change. I cried during this movie, A LOT...a big blubbery cry. It was both emotionally draining and cathartic.
So, after we took my dad to the airport and I sat at home getting pissed off about the apartment hunting situation, I called up my sister and we decided to rent another movie. We watched Diary of a Mad Black Woman. This movie is HILARIOUS! Despite yourself, you hear yourself screaming stupid shit like "You go girl!" And Shamar Moore is HAWT, with a capital H! but the whole headband look...a little icky-poo. There were references to other movies in there, An Officer and A Gentleman, The Color Purple...and a few others than I can't remember now but they were fun to spot. Anyway, good movies all around. Well, I'm off to the gym and tonight I officially start working the evening shift. Sigh.

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