Tuesday, September 06, 2005

talk the talk

Every place has a few phrases that are, if not unique then definitely more prevalent to that area. Southerners have that whole y'all thing going for them, midwesterners can't say caramel properly to save their lives, etc etc. Already, my vocabulary has been infiltrated by the phrases that people in the Pacific Northwest throw around. Everything is yummy, from crackers to creme brule, if it's even passably tasty, it's yummy. Expensive things are spendy, at first I thought it was just Jen and her friends that said that until I noticed that people at work were saying it too. When shit sucks, it's just not bad...it's bad-bad-bad because one to two bads just doesn't paint quite as vivid a picture. And when things don't go well, well it's a shame and it is a shame that I am such a vocabulary sell-out

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