Monday, September 19, 2005

pillow fight

Do you remember somebody telling you not to eat before you went to sleep because it could cause nightmares? I vaguely recollect being told that and last night because of the overconsumption of sealife, I had the strangest nightmares. I dreamt that my pillows were trying to do me in. First it was all fun and games and they were just tickling me. Then the tickling became really aggressive and turned into an all out shaking. So in a half-awake state I threw them on the other side of the bed, but then a really deep man voice came from within what is normally the feathered goodness and started yelling evil things at me. So I hit the pillow and more mean things were said. Finally, I forced myself awake by screaming and then tentatively touched the pillows to make sure they were still the inanimate objects I went to sleep with. Luckily they were, somewhere between half-consciousness and full lucidity, an exorcism had been performed. I was one hundred percent creeped out and could barely fall back asleep after that.

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