Tuesday, December 06, 2005

top dog

Who knew my dog was a top? I took him for his long walk, otherwise known as the poo-poo walk, and there at the park were three other dogs about the same size as he is. Generally I've found that the city-folk don't like a lot of pet-to-pet interaction, maybe just some mild butt sniffing. But these ladies were letting the dogs frolick and romp and they were gracious enough to let pups join in on the fun. The dogs were wrestling and nipping at one other, it was fun to watch. But it wasn't enough for him to just join in the reindeer games, no he had to show the other pups who was boss. I know it's perfectly natural for dogs to show dominance, "playing horsie" as my little five-year old neighbor used to call it, but my god my pups does it a lot! A LOT! It's like a switch goes off in his little top brain and then he's ony capable of doing the one thing. Pretty soon nobody will let him play anymore...well except for that little chihuahua that the owners dress in a leather vest.

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