So New Year's Eve is upon us and I am ashamed to say that not only do I have zero plans but I probably won't even be up to watch the end of an era and the beginnings of an even more annoying one, Regis Philbin hosting the big ball drop with Colin Powell pulling the lever and dropping the bomb...oops I mean ball on a year so shitty that it isn't really worth reminiscing. So what did I learn this year...not much but I'll summarize anyway.
1. For every three friends you make, only one is worth keeping. The other two, barely even worth the metaphorical toilet paper it took to wipe the memories of them away.
2. It is impossible to start anew. I carry too much baggage to ever start with a clean slate.
3. Dogs are still way better than kids. Not only do they annoy me less, but I can leave them alone in the house and in the car and nobody calls the police.
4. Achieving a goal is bittersweet. It feels good to do it but then I'm left wondering...Now what?
5. Magic 8 balls' predictions...don't trust 'em...those little fuckers have been lying to me for years.
6. Trying to save money is pointless...mostly because of iTunes. They sucker you in with their deceptively cheap 99 cent songs and before you know it...BAM thirty dollar charge on your credit card.
7. Single and child-free people of my general age range are impossible to meet. They must all live in another town, far far from the town posing as a thriving metropolis known as Louisville. Of course, that really isn't THAT surprising if you think about it.
8. There are a lot of really decent and interesting people on the internet, blogging away. Corny as it sounds, thanks for filling my otherwise mundane life and slightly obsessive internet viewing habits with good stuff. Happy Near Year and all that jazz...I'm off to get drunk by myself in the middle of the afternoon with the sole intention of getting bombed, clear indications of my alcoholism.
Friday, December 31, 2004
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Lately I've been starting to feel like I am a slave to my stuff. I am consumed with the thought of moving all my crap by myself. My brain hurts from deciding what I should keep and what I should sell, what I should give away and what I should throw out altogether. And I'm not moving for another six months so I can't imagine what I'll be like by May. Today I started to throw out some Christmas things and I went through this box of old Christmas cards I've saved because I am one of those sentimental pack-rats. If you ever want to partake in an excercise of sheer torture then I would suggest trying to throw out old Christmas cards. It's pretty easy to throw out the average "Merry Christmas, Your Friend X________" but it is damn impossible to throw out a card from your aunt who died less than a year ago, knowing that you will never ever get another card from her. Or even cards from grandparents, who are getting so old that you know it won't be long before you won't be getting cards from them either. It is also hard to throw out cards where people send pictures instead of the usual trite Hallmark Christmas tree, it just feels like some bad mojo to toss out pictures of people. I ended up saving cards from a friend long lost to the black hole of memories. These cards were particularly painful because this person had been a friend for ages, we went through young adulthood and some really bad shit together. But as she so brutally put it in one of the letters, "I miss hanging out, but I guess we had to grow up sometime." If letting go of really good friends is a measure of growing-up then I plan to remain ungrown forever. But all in all I did okay I guess, I weeded down an entire box to about ten cards. I don't really feel that great about it though.
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
I complain a lot, it is part of my complete lack of charm. But lately I'm starting to feel incredibly shallow whenever I complain about somebody at work or having to shovel snow because frankly I don't know what real tragedy is. Once the dust settles, the thousands upon thousands suffering through this will rebuild the homes that could probably fit inside my kitchen, they'll go back to slaving away for less scraps than I throw in my garbage, they'll go about their lives and complain less about a life that I'm far too spoiled and complacent to manage to survive a month of, much less a lifetime. But even knowing this, I'll still complain about old people on the road and complain when gas gets up to $2.00/gallon, I'll waste precious resources and only feel the tiniest smidge of guilt, I'll wish I earned more money or were impossibly thin with a huge but still perky rack. And I know I'm not the only one. I wonder, when did we let ourselves get like full of our own sense of entitlement that we've lost our perspective?
some good news, some bad news
The good, my messed up tooth isn't abscessed. The bad, it is inflamed which means they won't do anything and I just have to live with it until it gets better or worse, whichever comes first.
The good, I went to this dentist for the first time and he was super nice. The bad, my waiting room magazine snatching has turned into full blown kleptomania. I snagged a Vanity Fair this time, with Johnny Depp on the cover of course.
The good, I got my remote start & keyless entry installed. The bad, it took nine hours.
The good (well good news if you are a glass half-full kind of person, which I'm definitely not), I got to wait around in Circuit City for about 1/3 of that time and managed to watch almost two complete movies. The bad, it was Zoolander and Spiderman 2 and I had to stand and watch them at the display of dvd players for your car.
The good, I got to hang out with my friend B. for the whole afternoon and we had a great time even though we were running errands. The bad, I'm still incredibly immature and laugh at completely inappropriate butt and anus jokes...A LOT.
The good, I went to this dentist for the first time and he was super nice. The bad, my waiting room magazine snatching has turned into full blown kleptomania. I snagged a Vanity Fair this time, with Johnny Depp on the cover of course.
The good, I got my remote start & keyless entry installed. The bad, it took nine hours.
The good (well good news if you are a glass half-full kind of person, which I'm definitely not), I got to wait around in Circuit City for about 1/3 of that time and managed to watch almost two complete movies. The bad, it was Zoolander and Spiderman 2 and I had to stand and watch them at the display of dvd players for your car.
The good, I got to hang out with my friend B. for the whole afternoon and we had a great time even though we were running errands. The bad, I'm still incredibly immature and laugh at completely inappropriate butt and anus jokes...A LOT.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
my body is staging a coup
And it is against me. I don't know when my minor organs decided to get together and use their powers for evil rather than good, but it was sometime Christmas day, I guess they wanted to give the gift that keeps on giving. Something is happening to my nose, I'm not sure what but it is painful. I'm thinking maybe it's a sinus infection but if that's the case, then my nose is playing it really subtely...not trying to give away too much too soon I suppose. That and my face has broken out, I haven't had acne like this since junior high. Plus add on the "women's" pains (which might have something to do with the acne, but I doubt it) and not only am I a physical mess but I'm even bitchier than usual. And to top it all off I have to go to the dentist today. The crack-head dentist that did my crown and root canal totally fucked it up and now I think I have an abscess. So that'll be good news if that's the case, "Well your tooth is bad, we'll have to remove it and then bend over cause the cost of the bridge/dental implant will only be affordable if you decide to sell your eggs on the internet." YAY!
Sunday, December 26, 2004
second guessing
Sometimes, do you ever think that a decision you made that you thought was for the best is in fact not? I wonder that a lot, I guess I spend too much time living in the past.
On a side note, I received some awesome Christmas presents. The best one by far was the cool new digital camera. You know what that means? I'll be posting all sorts of crap-ass pictures while I play with my new toy, expect to see tons of new puppy-pics.
On a side note, I received some awesome Christmas presents. The best one by far was the cool new digital camera. You know what that means? I'll be posting all sorts of crap-ass pictures while I play with my new toy, expect to see tons of new puppy-pics.
Friday, December 24, 2004
winter wonderland

Wednesday, December 22, 2004
pick-up artist
I got my car back from the body shop today. I had a vaguely paranoid fantasy that I would get rear-ended on my way home because that is the sick twisted irony that I call my life. Luckily I didn't, although I did have to pay ten bucks for my rental since it was apparently not considered an economy car. I've decided that another one of my world domination rules will be this: anybody who wants to own and drive an SUV must take an IQ test before purchasing it because from what I can tell from driving the twenty miles to the car place and back, intelligence is inversely proportional to the size of your automobile. It boggles my mind that the people who own the vehicles best suited for driving in inclement weather are the worst at it.
I was planning on sleeping in until noon but I just woke up from the worst frikkin dream. In it I was walking through my house and walking into the kitchen and there was shredded paper and rice EVERYWHERE. Then I walk over to the bag that held the rice and there were like twelve rats in it, writhing around in rice eating exctasy. Just writing that is shooting a chill straight up my spine. So once they were caught they ran off into the walls and they had chewed holes everywhere, huge gaping holes where there was barely any wall left and wires were exposed. In the dream I remember thinking "Well that's what Mary gets for not bringing me those mousetraps, thank god its not my house, I hope she doesn't try to keep my deposit." Well no more sleep for me, creepy dreams are not my idea of a good time. And the weather is crap, they say freezing rain all day, which turns the people on the road into complete drooling imbeciles so I don't think I'll head out unless I absolutely have to.
Monday, December 20, 2004
strangers with candy
I keep getting the weirdest people IM-ing me and writing to me via Friendster. The other day some girl wrote to me and invited me to partake in a threesome with her boyfriend (for his birthday apparently), which is by far and away stranger than the guy who wrote to me and asked me to be his dominatrix. Then I get a message on Frienster from a guy and though I would never write back, I did check out his profile. He's some random guy in Florida who had a bunch of pictures with attractive girls who look a lot like strippers. I decided that he is probably one of those people who asks cute girls to take pictures with him. One picture even had a girl showing her boobs with him cradling them. I think I vomited in my mouth a little when I saw that one. I only wish I could see the profile of the person (probably another guy) taking the pictures. He probably has the same pictures with the same girls, maybe even cupping the same boobs. I think I should change my profile, it attracts far too many uncomfortably strange people, although frankly I get to laugh at other people a lot so that's a plus. Also, I think I've figured out what is so attractive about blogging. It's like online voyeurism. I have about twenty blogs that I visit regularly, probably too regularly as I have nothing better to do with my time, and there is something incredibly appealing about reading other people's thoughts, especially when in "real life" they probably wouldn't be as forthcoming.
my solution for world peace
Okay stick with me here. When I rule the world, which is coming soon right after my nap, I am going to implement a policy that will bring peace. Basically my plan is to give every living person two knock-down, bare-knuckle, fisticuff credits per calendar year without fear of punishment other than a 50-50 chance at a beating. Now you might be thinking, "How would violence beget peace?" To which I would say, how dare you question me, week long toilet cleaning duty following our mandatory day long chili-eating marathon as your punishment! Unless I'm feeling generous and then I would explain, in an extremely condescending tone, the plan is simple really. First, if a person knew they had only two legally sanctioned fights per year, they would seriously consider which actions are fight-worthy. The old person cutting you off in their huge monte-carlo...probably not fight worthy, the evil secretary at the doctor's office who makes personal calls while you wait forty minutes past your appointment time...probably not fight worthy. When you realize how most everyday situations are not fight-worthy, you would be more apt to just let the stupid stuff go. Second, you might reconsider pissing other people off with your snarky comments and rude stares. Sure, you wouldn't think twice about leaving the 300 pound linebacker alone but you just never know about the quiet, skinny ones so you would go about your day being a kinder, gentler person. Its a plan of subtle genius, although I don't have all the kinks worked out yet.
I took my car in to be fixed from the rear-ending it sustained a month ago. I thought for sure I would get a pimp rental car because I could have sworn that somebody once told me that your rental car should be about the same level as your regular car (not that my car is pimp, it is a total family wagon). However, it turns out that person that told me that totally lied. My rental is so ghetto, and NOT as in ghetto fabulous. I'm driving a Pontiac Sunfire and it is a piece-o-crap. It has no amenities, no power anything. I actually had to roll down my window, something I haven't had to do since my dad made the tortuous decision of getting a Yugo as my first car. But the lack of power-anything isn't even the worst part. The radio doesn't cut off when you turn off the engine, you actually have to turn it off yourself. For god's sake, is this 1965? I know at some point I'll forget to turn off the radio and the battery will be dead and then I'll be late for work, which is a BAD BAD thing because I only have a few more tardies before I get canned.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
snow days
Saturday, December 18, 2004
insert catchy title here
I'm not a big follower of local news, that is until I leave one particular place for another. So I don't really follow what is going on in Louisville, but I do read the headlines for the Honolulu Advertiser and the Seattle Times. The whole governor race in Washington State has really held my attention, mostly because I would like at least ONE person I voted for to frikkin win. There was as article in the Times today that discussed the vote recount. Mostly a blah article, but THIS was my favorite part:
Republicans are now "absolutely convinced that King County is trying to steal this election," said Republican Party Chairman Chris Vance.
"There are Republicans urging us to organize mass protests, to take to the streets," Vance said. "At some point people's patience just runs out."
Am I the only one that finds it just a little ironic that we're now having to take our cues for democracy from the Ukraine? Check your soup Christine, check your soup.
Republicans are now "absolutely convinced that King County is trying to steal this election," said Republican Party Chairman Chris Vance.
"There are Republicans urging us to organize mass protests, to take to the streets," Vance said. "At some point people's patience just runs out."
Am I the only one that finds it just a little ironic that we're now having to take our cues for democracy from the Ukraine? Check your soup Christine, check your soup.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
cheese with that whine?
I had a not so good day at work today. I think (in fact I'm 97.4% sure) this one person I work with complained to our supervisor about getting bogged down while doing maintenance and such on one of our analyzers. So then we all got this crotchety message about all the things the rest of us, which basically means me, need to do to make his life easier. For instance, the person on workbench X, which basically means me, now has to answer all of the stupid phone calls, do all of the mundane chores that nobody else wants to do, and at some point start wiping workbench Y- worker's ass. Seriously, when did I become the designated lab asshole? Maybe answering the work-related calls wouldn't be so strenuous if people weren't spending the entire morning on personal calls discussing the relative importance of whether or not they should have mashed potatoes or macaroni and cheese with their chicken fried steak. Maybe if they took the stick shoved way up their ass out, they could work a little faster than a three-toed sloth in a footrace. That's the thing about this whole concept of teamwork...when they say teamwork what they really mean is I'll do this important stuff and you can do whatever it is I don't want to do. I definitely need to repeat my new mantra to myself more often, "Six more months, six more months."
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Walking through campus today and watching other people go about their business, I realized something. Almost everything I learned during my brief stint as a GI Jane (and trust me it wasn't much, I'm pretty sure I spent most of that time in a drunken haze), I summarily forgot the day I took my uniform off permanently. But one thing I can't let go of, no matter how hard I try, is NOT walking on grass. I just can't do it, no matter how brown or how weed-infested I cannot walk across a field of grass. Even if traipsing across a lawn would shorten my walk by half, some random siren in my head goes off and I end up staying on the sidewalk. It's not that I haven't ever walked on grass since Uncle Sam and I decided it was best that we went our separate ways, I have. But I feel a little guilty about it, an emotion I don't often pay much attention to, and the guilt makes the walk completely unenjoyable. I think I need some hypnotherapy. Not walking on grass makes going to the park pretty pointless, and picnics...fuggetaboutit.
satisfied in the end?
I got my copy of Return of the King Extended DVD yesterday in the mail and watched it last night. It had a lot of extra scenes, although none of them so important to the storyline that you felt like you were watching something new (not like The Two Towers where storylines were way better explained by the extra scenes). Is it just me or was anybody else extremely disappointed that Aragorn ended up with Arwen? I remember being not to happy with that turn of events the first time I saw the movie and last night was no different. I don't mind the predictable "the good guys always win" storyline but I cannot stand the predictable "meant to be together" love-story bullshit. I guess I'm too jaded. I prefer my love-stories to be like Romeo & Juliet, somebody had better die. If you ask me, love stories where one of the protaganists die are better because you (the viewer) knows that the living person will always remember the other person as beautiful and lovely, perfect even. But when they get together in the end I always think, "Yeah that lovey-dovey stuff isn't going to last. She'll get tired of his farting in bed and start spending money to fill the emotional void. He'll get mad when her ass gets bigger and her sex drive slows down and go find a twenty-four year old stripper." Yeah, cynical, definitely the word-du-jour.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
I just got my Chinese grade and I am very very pleased. Clearly Zu Laoshi is more than a little generous because somehow I managed to pull an A out of my ass (and yes Katie I can already hear the "I told you so"). I can only imagine the curve required to give me that A because I know without a doubt that I blew the final.
I also got my evaluation at work. My supervisor must be feeling the holiday love because I got the highest rating I've ever gotten and that means I get the highest raise that my company will allow. Although it'll only amount to a couple-o-few cents an hour, it is still more money in my ever-emptying pocket.
The one thing I am not so ecstatic about is my new roommate. Don't know when he decided to move in, but this morning he let his presence be known. I opened my pantry door to find a mouse. And embarassingly enough, I screamed like a five year old girl. He's a tiny thing, maybe three inches at the most, but still big enough to turn me into a charicature of the pearl and high heel wearing housewive that jumps onto the counter and screeches in mortal fear.
Seeing Monk (the name I've given the little guy) made me think of a short story I read a while back about a woman, recently separated, who finds a tick on her back. The tick is in a spot she can't reach on her own and though she tries and tries, she can't find a way to remove the tick by herself. During the whole process of the attempted delousing, she realizes how truly alone she is. I feel a little bit this way because of the mouse. I would totally have left the finding and exterminating of Stuart Little up to W., but now I have to do it myself. All I have to say about that is EEEEK!
I also got my evaluation at work. My supervisor must be feeling the holiday love because I got the highest rating I've ever gotten and that means I get the highest raise that my company will allow. Although it'll only amount to a couple-o-few cents an hour, it is still more money in my ever-emptying pocket.
The one thing I am not so ecstatic about is my new roommate. Don't know when he decided to move in, but this morning he let his presence be known. I opened my pantry door to find a mouse. And embarassingly enough, I screamed like a five year old girl. He's a tiny thing, maybe three inches at the most, but still big enough to turn me into a charicature of the pearl and high heel wearing housewive that jumps onto the counter and screeches in mortal fear.
Seeing Monk (the name I've given the little guy) made me think of a short story I read a while back about a woman, recently separated, who finds a tick on her back. The tick is in a spot she can't reach on her own and though she tries and tries, she can't find a way to remove the tick by herself. During the whole process of the attempted delousing, she realizes how truly alone she is. I feel a little bit this way because of the mouse. I would totally have left the finding and exterminating of Stuart Little up to W., but now I have to do it myself. All I have to say about that is EEEEK!
Monday, December 13, 2004
the death of imagination
Okay, admittedly I am waiting for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to come out with baited breath. But come on, it has Johnny Depp starring and Tim Burton directing, it just screams cult-following (not that the first one doesn't have and deserve its own LSD dropping, joint toking, lost in the bluest of blue eyes, Gene Wilder loving cult of disciples). Aside from this super-special remake, I am sick and tired of remakes. Its bad enough that they are making a Dukes of Hazzard movie (although they do have Jay Chandrasekhar directing), but when I was watching the preview for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory I noticed that they are remaking Assault on Precinct 13. What the hell? How can you possibly remake what is one of the coolest movies ever (a movie I have been watching since I was like seven and NEVER tire of) and have Ja Rule a part of it? ARGH!!! Damn you Hollywood, isn't it enough that you twist the world's perceptions of beauty and make completely undeserving people wealthy? Now you have to fucking RUIN movies with your remakes? Are there no imaginative and creative people left in Hollywood? Is everybody's head so far up corporate ass that they can't come up with new shit??? Seriously, HOW DARE YOU HOLLYWOOD, HOW DARE YOU!!! It better at least have the same soundtrack!!!
Sunday, December 12, 2004
There are definitely two sides of me. The first side loves nothing more than coming home from work, putting on my pjs and taking a long long nap. The other side of me, the responsible side that I try and try to squash, insists that I do the last bit of yard work to get rid of the great number of leaves on my lawn. Well today the responsible side won out and I just spent the better part of this cold afternoon doing yard work. It was a race between me and Mother Nature as there is definitely a storm a-brewin'. Well take that you vindictive beatch, I won cause I finished the yard work before a single drop of rain/sleet fell. I hope this is the last of the tedium of suburbian existence because I dread the thought of going out there again. Now I just have to figure out what to do with the rest of the evening. Unfortunately there are no good shows on HBO or Showtime playing right now and Desperate Housewives seems to be in hiatus already. Already truth be told, if I had the choice I'd watch Footballers' Wives over Desperate Housewives any day.
Update: I guess there WILL be a new episode of Desp.Housewives tonight. Yippee, another reason to put off revising my paper!!!
Update: I guess there WILL be a new episode of Desp.Housewives tonight. Yippee, another reason to put off revising my paper!!!
Thursday, December 09, 2004
my poor little guy

I don't know what's more pathetic, watching my poor dog run around with a funnel on his head, bumping into walls and barely able to walk OR the phenomenal amount of money I just had to shell out for the vet visit tonight. Dear lord, how do they justify charging so much when I spent 90% of the time waiting to see the vet, 8% of the time sitting there while they told me how cute Iniki was, and only about 2% of the time getting actual medical care. Oh well, I stole a magazine with Johnny Depp on the cover from the waiting room just to make it a little more worthwhile.
Man am I feeling LOW right now. I just totally and utterly bombed my Chinese final. I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one because as soon as people started to look at the exam you could see the panicked look on their faces morph into a visage of miserable resignation. I can't remember the last time I did so poorly on an exam. I guess I should have sprechened sie Deutsch because Chinese is one hundred percent kicking my ass. Of course it doesn't help that I have a minute level of four different languages swimming around in my brain so when I try to say something in Zhong-wen, I end up throwing in some Deutsche, Hangul, and Espanol. Oh well, at least I've gotten good grades in two other classes. Now I just have one paper revision left and I dread revising that paper more than I dreaded writing the damn thing. One more more week until I can read for the sheer pleasure of it, until I can have a drunken 21 Jumpstreet marathon in my pajamas, until I can stop staying up late at night considering the ramifications of deconstructionism and globalism on gender dynamics. UGH!
Well, I have to take Iniki to the vet. He'll probably think I'm taking him for a walk and get all excited.
Well, I have to take Iniki to the vet. He'll probably think I'm taking him for a walk and get all excited.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
they're after me lucky charms
For some reason I had a lot of luck today. I got a bunch of free crap. It all started with a phone call this morning. It was about the scholarship I thought I would have to give up because I opted to go less than full time. Well my department decided that they would give me the scholarship anyway, they're going to pay for my tuition. I won't get the leftover money but I don't care about that because now I won't have to shell out the money myself. Then on to Starbucks where we were supposed to meet some people from Chinese class for a study group. Two of the four people were not in attendance (I guess it was a great idea when I was driving to where they were, but not such a great idea when I decided they should meet us closer to where I was). But Katie and I stayed anyway and did some studying. While we were sitting there, a new person was training and learning to make drinks and she came by and said we could have the drinks for free. We got a mocha and a hot caramel cider. By the way, the cider shite! It made me gag, it tasted like heated apple juice. BLECH!!! Thank god it was a freebie because I would have been pissed if I paid for it. So after studying we decided to go shopping at this place called The Summit. We walked into a make-up place called Ulta (which by the way I mentioned previously because they had an online code for free make-up). When I was paying, I mentioned the online giveaway and the girl at the counter said they didn't' have that but since I mentioned it she up and decided that I deserved something free. So I got a free bag, it's a cool Swiss Army bag that looks like an Army map bag that I coveted while in the service. The total for my freebies today...about $1800.00. How's that for a good haul???
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
today's million dollar questio
I only need two more classes to graduate. I had originally planned on taking four classes next semester because (a.) I'm on scholarship and have to be full time to get the money and (b.) I get quite a bit of money from the government when I go full time (because of the GI Bill). But now I've pretty much decided to take just the two classes because (a.) I've hit a financial snag since the marital dissolution and need to work a LOT more than the two measly days I've been working and (b.) I can't stand the thought of taking four classes when I only need two. So I am going to take Chinese because I need 3 more hours of a language and a political science class that I have wanted to take since I transferred to UofL. I had signed up to do an internship but now with the work situation, that is not looking like a possibility. I'm pretty bummed about that because I was looking forward to it, but I know I won't have the time to devote to it. In the end it probably would have been better to tough it out and have my tuition paid for and my tax-free GI Bill payments coming in, but I can't even think in the long-term right now. I actually thought I would finish my stupid degree without any snafus, but life obviously had different ideas about that. Oh to be right out of high school again, full of youthful vigor and naivete. Would I have done it any differently? Eh, probably not.
I only need two more classes to graduate. I had originally planned on taking four classes next semester because (a.) I'm on scholarship and have to be full time to get the money and (b.) I get quite a bit of money from the government when I go full time (because of the GI Bill). But now I've pretty much decided to take just the two classes because (a.) I've hit a financial snag since the marital dissolution and need to work a LOT more than the two measly days I've been working and (b.) I can't stand the thought of taking four classes when I only need two. So I am going to take Chinese because I need 3 more hours of a language and a political science class that I have wanted to take since I transferred to UofL. I had signed up to do an internship but now with the work situation, that is not looking like a possibility. I'm pretty bummed about that because I was looking forward to it, but I know I won't have the time to devote to it. In the end it probably would have been better to tough it out and have my tuition paid for and my tax-free GI Bill payments coming in, but I can't even think in the long-term right now. I actually thought I would finish my stupid degree without any snafus, but life obviously had different ideas about that. Oh to be right out of high school again, full of youthful vigor and naivete. Would I have done it any differently? Eh, probably not.
Monday, December 06, 2004
gender genie
Perusing blogexplosion (instead of studying, shame on me) I found a link to the Gender Genie. Basically you paste some text into the square and based on some mysterious algorithms it will predict whether the writer is of the female or male persuasion. And when you see which words they use to calculate the gender, well its not as obvious as you would think...they aren't looking for stuff like "oh my totally cute" or "dude, what the hell, she was smoking hot" or whatever.
Speaking of blogexplosion, I got my first rating. It was a 2 (out of ten). Now I am the "ugly girl at the junior high dance, standing in the corner with my cup of punch" of blogs. I actually don't mind the low rating, but it does kind of bother me that I don't know WHY I got the low rating. Is it because my layout sucks? Is it because somebody thought the content sucked? Is it because I don't write about kids or politics or debate religious philosophies? Or maybe because I'm not a paid-escort with a drug problem? Who knows? Ratings are useless without feedback. If I went into work for my evaluation and they said "You suck, you need to improve" but didn't tell me what I needed to improve on...well that would be pointless. So to sum up...if somebody actually takes the time to rate this waste of cyberspace (assuming you aren't just waiting your 30 seconds to go on to the next page), let me know why I suck, not just that I suck. Thanks. And if you are a regular non-blogexplosion reader, well then you probably already know I suck but keep coming back CHEERS!!!
Speaking of blogexplosion, I got my first rating. It was a 2 (out of ten). Now I am the "ugly girl at the junior high dance, standing in the corner with my cup of punch" of blogs. I actually don't mind the low rating, but it does kind of bother me that I don't know WHY I got the low rating. Is it because my layout sucks? Is it because somebody thought the content sucked? Is it because I don't write about kids or politics or debate religious philosophies? Or maybe because I'm not a paid-escort with a drug problem? Who knows? Ratings are useless without feedback. If I went into work for my evaluation and they said "You suck, you need to improve" but didn't tell me what I needed to improve on...well that would be pointless. So to sum up...if somebody actually takes the time to rate this waste of cyberspace (assuming you aren't just waiting your 30 seconds to go on to the next page), let me know why I suck, not just that I suck. Thanks. And if you are a regular non-blogexplosion reader, well then you probably already know I suck but keep coming back CHEERS!!!
decisions decisions
I need to buy a semi-nice outfit for the holidays since my wardrobe generally consists of jeans and an occasional pair of khakis. Being a big woman who still wants to have a wee-bit of a sense of style, there are some fashion decisions that must be made on every shopping trip. One of them involves pants. Since most large gals are not in perfect proportion, we usually end up getting pants that fit one area of the body only to find that they don't fit another area. For instance, a woman with a big butt often finds pants to fit her ample derriere but the pants end up gapping at the waist. My problem is that I'm thick-waisted and a weird in between size so my problems are double that of most robust gals. I can get pants that fit the waist, but somehow end up looking like I suffer from THE major fashion faux-paux, the camel toe. Or I can get pants a little baggier in the waist and end up with pants that are saggy in the rear, making me look like I have no ass. I generally opt for the saggy-butt but am always saddened to notice the heightened perception of ass-flatness. The disease noassatall is rampant in my family, we have no extra junk in the trunk, in fact I think we are mostly a family of hatch-backs. Maybe I should just get a skirt.
I found this free Jung-Myers-Briggs test via Adventures of Pierce Ranger.
Turns out I am a INTJ (Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging)
Here is one explanantion.
Here is another.
Personally I have to go with the second definition because there is no way that I want to be in the same category as Donald Rumsfeld and Maria Shriver, Rummy because let's face it ideologoically he is my antithesis and Maria Shriver because that means my love-match is somebody like Ahnuld. Although on the plus side Susan B. Anthony and JFK were INTJs, and Chevy Chase...can't forget Chevy Chase.
But the second definition makes me a Mastermind. How great does that sound? I might have to break out my world domination plans again. I am Ayn Rand with elements of Clint Eastwood, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Elizabeth I.
Turns out I am a INTJ (Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging)
Here is one explanantion.
Here is another.
Personally I have to go with the second definition because there is no way that I want to be in the same category as Donald Rumsfeld and Maria Shriver, Rummy because let's face it ideologoically he is my antithesis and Maria Shriver because that means my love-match is somebody like Ahnuld. Although on the plus side Susan B. Anthony and JFK were INTJs, and Chevy Chase...can't forget Chevy Chase.
But the second definition makes me a Mastermind. How great does that sound? I might have to break out my world domination plans again. I am Ayn Rand with elements of Clint Eastwood, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Elizabeth I.
Sunday, December 05, 2004
daddy dearest
My dad left this morning. It was a great visit because he didn't stay for long so I only had to come up with a day's worth of diversions and restaraunt choices (which is nearly impossible since my dad only eats like three things and two of them are not in season) and the first thing he said to me was "You look like you're losing weight" which just makes me love that man. We ended up going to this family farm called Huber's. Since the weather was so nice a lot of people had the same idea cause it was crowded and full of people that had to scrape the bottom of the genetic barrel. Huber's is pretty neat because during the summer they have strawberry picking, during the fall they have pumpkin picking, and during the winter you get to go out and cut down your own Christmas tree. They also have a winery, which is where we spent most of our time, and a restaraunt where they make the best fried chicken EVER and these things called fried biscuits which just turn out to be donuts that feel like they are made out of lead pellets (but so good with apple butter...YUM). After that we went to the casino and my dad blew a big wad of cash, which I feel bad about and wish I had taken him putt-putt instead. Oh well, live and learn. I posted some pics from Huber's below.
Saturday, December 04, 2004
daddy's girl
I'm off to pick up my dad up from the airport. I'm pretty stoked because I didn't actually think he was going to make it out here. He won't get to stay for long but thanks to my sister's buddy-passes it was a free trip anyway. I feel like I haven't seen my family in ages so I'm excited and full of warm fuzzies thanks to my dad's visit. Now I just have to figure out what to do tonight for entertainment and grub. Certainly there will no cooking in my kitchen, I love my daddy too much to do that to him. Although my sad attempts at cooking would definitely provide the entertainment factor.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Is there such a thing as auto/self-masochism? If so, I think I may have just committed it. Yesterday was my puppy's birthday, the big 4 (which mathematically makes me and Iniki about the same age). So since I didn't do anything special for him yesterday, today I made sure he had a good day. I took him for a long walk and then came home and made him a doggie cheeseburger Happy Meal. He loved it, ate every bite. But now the torture is commencing. Who knew that such a foul smell could emanate from such a little dog??? And I know this is going to continue for the rest of the night. I have only myself to blame.
quiz whore
Here is the latest quiz that has caught my fancy (courtesy of [subject to change without notice]). This kind of stuff always reminds me of a time long ago when a bunch of us would get our tarot read or our numbers done. They always would tell us really vague stuff like "You're going to move and it'll be near water." Well yeah, we're in the freakin' military and even if you're landlocked, chances are you will live by a lake or river or something. But when you hear it, you just convince yourself that it was completely legit (especially since you just shelled out fifty bucks) and if you wait long enough you REALLY will find love and live through a lot of hardships along the way and move near water.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
who do i have to kill for an ambien?
My sleep schedule is totally screwed up. I can't sleep when I need to sleep, when I know that in less than four hours my alarm clock will be screeching at me like some high-pitched harpy on meth. I don't know why its so hard for me to fall asleep because I truly love sleep. I love sleep like rock stars love heroine, like chickified porn-stars love saline, like Mormons love the short-sleeved dress-shirt sale at Sears. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that my mom would force us to stay in bed when we were little. Most parents let their kids get up to watch cartoons in the morning, not my mom, she made me and Sofie stay in bed until the Today show was over. I'm feeling pretty desperate right now, where can I get some sheep (to count man, to count)?
things to ponder
**First, if Halloween is only once a year, and judging by my calendar OVER, why do people feel the need to continually wear a costume? Why must people about as deep as a well masquerade themselves as somebody knowledgeable? Seriously, just because somebody can say words like "ephemeral" and almost vaguely put it into context doesn't mean they will be any perceived as any smarter.
**Second, how is it that you can give two people the exact same gift and they will interpret that gift and the act of giving that gift completely differently? One person will think it is something nefarious and completely full of bad intentions, and another person will take the gift for what it was meant to be and just be cool with it, maybe even be glad to get it.
**Third, why do people take what little power they have in any situation and make it out to be more than what it is? Does it give them a boner to have some mediocre display of power?
**Fourth, why oh why do people think that getting in the last word or putting in their completely useless two cents somehow makes them right? No amount of revisionist rethinking and retelling of a story will change the fact that everybody but those particular people think they are oh so wrong.
**Fifth, why do I keep continuing this charade of getting a complete worthless degree and acting like it has some value?
Contrary to the tone of this post, I'm not in a bad mood. I'm actually in a pretty good mood. I just watched Chocolat and ate pizza with a true-blue friend. The pizza was surprisingly tasty, Johnny Depp was totally yummy (as only he can be) and frankly today turned out to be a much better day than I ever would have thought when I walked out the door this morning. Now if I could only get my car and cell-phone situation worked out, it might all be a-okay.
**Second, how is it that you can give two people the exact same gift and they will interpret that gift and the act of giving that gift completely differently? One person will think it is something nefarious and completely full of bad intentions, and another person will take the gift for what it was meant to be and just be cool with it, maybe even be glad to get it.
**Third, why do people take what little power they have in any situation and make it out to be more than what it is? Does it give them a boner to have some mediocre display of power?
**Fourth, why oh why do people think that getting in the last word or putting in their completely useless two cents somehow makes them right? No amount of revisionist rethinking and retelling of a story will change the fact that everybody but those particular people think they are oh so wrong.
**Fifth, why do I keep continuing this charade of getting a complete worthless degree and acting like it has some value?
Contrary to the tone of this post, I'm not in a bad mood. I'm actually in a pretty good mood. I just watched Chocolat and ate pizza with a true-blue friend. The pizza was surprisingly tasty, Johnny Depp was totally yummy (as only he can be) and frankly today turned out to be a much better day than I ever would have thought when I walked out the door this morning. Now if I could only get my car and cell-phone situation worked out, it might all be a-okay.
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