Friday, December 31, 2004

happy facking new year

So New Year's Eve is upon us and I am ashamed to say that not only do I have zero plans but I probably won't even be up to watch the end of an era and the beginnings of an even more annoying one, Regis Philbin hosting the big ball drop with Colin Powell pulling the lever and dropping the bomb...oops I mean ball on a year so shitty that it isn't really worth reminiscing. So what did I learn this year...not much but I'll summarize anyway.
1. For every three friends you make, only one is worth keeping. The other two, barely even worth the metaphorical toilet paper it took to wipe the memories of them away.
2. It is impossible to start anew. I carry too much baggage to ever start with a clean slate.
3. Dogs are still way better than kids. Not only do they annoy me less, but I can leave them alone in the house and in the car and nobody calls the police.
4. Achieving a goal is bittersweet. It feels good to do it but then I'm left wondering...Now what?
5. Magic 8 balls' predictions...don't trust 'em...those little fuckers have been lying to me for years.
6. Trying to save money is pointless...mostly because of iTunes. They sucker you in with their deceptively cheap 99 cent songs and before you know it...BAM thirty dollar charge on your credit card.
7. Single and child-free people of my general age range are impossible to meet. They must all live in another town, far far from the town posing as a thriving metropolis known as Louisville. Of course, that really isn't THAT surprising if you think about it.
8. There are a lot of really decent and interesting people on the internet, blogging away. Corny as it sounds, thanks for filling my otherwise mundane life and slightly obsessive internet viewing habits with good stuff. Happy Near Year and all that jazz...I'm off to get drunk by myself in the middle of the afternoon with the sole intention of getting bombed, clear indications of my alcoholism.

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