Monday, December 13, 2004

the death of imagination

Okay, admittedly I am waiting for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to come out with baited breath. But come on, it has Johnny Depp starring and Tim Burton directing, it just screams cult-following (not that the first one doesn't have and deserve its own LSD dropping, joint toking, lost in the bluest of blue eyes, Gene Wilder loving cult of disciples). Aside from this super-special remake, I am sick and tired of remakes. Its bad enough that they are making a Dukes of Hazzard movie (although they do have Jay Chandrasekhar directing), but when I was watching the preview for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory I noticed that they are remaking Assault on Precinct 13. What the hell? How can you possibly remake what is one of the coolest movies ever (a movie I have been watching since I was like seven and NEVER tire of) and have Ja Rule a part of it? ARGH!!! Damn you Hollywood, isn't it enough that you twist the world's perceptions of beauty and make completely undeserving people wealthy? Now you have to fucking RUIN movies with your remakes? Are there no imaginative and creative people left in Hollywood? Is everybody's head so far up corporate ass that they can't come up with new shit??? Seriously, HOW DARE YOU HOLLYWOOD, HOW DARE YOU!!! It better at least have the same soundtrack!!!

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