Tuesday, November 01, 2005

dress you up in my love

There was a line in the movie Mean Girls about girls and Halloween. I can't remember exactly how it goes, but it's something like "Halloween is the time when girls get to dress up like sluts." And it's true. Take any costume and no doubt there is a tarted-up, vaguely whorish version running around. I saw slutty geishas, slutty vampires, slutty nuns even...and then there were the girls that literally dressed up like whores or really cheap looking Victoria Secret models. I'm not sure I get the whole whorish-Halloween phenomenon. What's the appeal? Why do people think they have to be skanky to be sexy? The sexiest guy I saw was completely covered up in a costume that wasn't tight or revealing. And the sexiest girl costume was kind of tight, but not very revealing...but yeah, she needed to take some time off from the tanning bed. But that's another pet-peeve for another post.

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