Sunday, November 20, 2005


I think that there are four types of people:
People who don't like attention,
people who could care less if they get it,
people who like it,
and then people who NEED the attention.

I'm always amazed when I go out how many people fall into the latter category. It's like they need some kind of outside validation to prove to themselves that they're pretty or interesting or worthy. For a while I found myself falling into that category, wanting attention to prove my worth. But after last night, I realized that I'm not that person any longer. I don't need somebody else's attention. I don't need to be told I'm beautiful or have guys crowding my space, because I'm going to walk away from that experience feeling as good about myself as I did before it. Because I'm learning to be fine with myself, a difficult journey for sure, and it just doesn't require somebody else's attentions to make it happen.

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