These people at are TRULY amazing. Not only did they pick my perfect soulmate, but they picked the PERFECT theme song for me. Anybody who knows me (particularly in a drunken state) knows that I totally LOVE LOVE LOVE this song; and sing and karaoke and lip-synch this song like a drag-queen on crack whenever the opportunity presents itself:
LisaM, your theme song is I Will Survive!
The fiery confidence you normally keep under wraps blazes in your eyes every time your theme song turns on the table. People stand back and wait to be impressed by you, whether leading a project team, or firing up for a girls' night out. You mean business and people look to your leadership because you're so sure of yourself. So whether you're looking fine in the latest styles or throwing a bone to your 70's polyester double-knit blouse, this disco anthem always reminds you that you are true to yourself and are one of the lucky few who recognize that change starts first on the inside. Whether you're in your car, at a party, or on a date, you feel more resilient than John Travolta's acting career when your song comes throbbing through the speakers. Your friends dig you because you've learned to say what's on your mind. Life's too sweet to feel hurt and misunderstood. Yes indeed, with this as your theme song, you don't have to worry about surviving. You're well on your way to succeeding.
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