Wednesday, August 18, 2004

who knew christmas came early?

WOW! I just found out that there are HUGE numbers of free music downloads on And some of the bands I have even heard of AND you can download them onto your hard-drive. Its like somebody up there is just making sure I don't end up paying hefty fines to greedy corporate musicians who drive cars that cost more than most people will make in fifteen years and then actually expect me to have sympathy for them when twelve year old girls download a song for free. Oh hey wait...that was a way angry tangent. Anyway, I can't believe I have more access to free downloads, now I don't have to wait until Tuesdays when iTunes puts out a free song of the week. WOOOHOOO!
P.S.-I'm ready for a new tattoo. I am thinking really hard about what it should be.

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