Tuesday, April 05, 2005

imagine the world's most beautiful flower

Some things I just cannot understand. At work towards the end of the shift, we were standing around shootin' the shit as we were unusually slow. Somehow we ended up talking about autopsies and then the conversation turned to "What's the grossest thing you've ever seen?" I always lose this game because I can't even look at pictures of the Pope laid out, much less actually be near some lifeless body. So we're talking and then somehow we end up talking about doctor's visits and somewhere along the line I say "Yeah, I have a pap smear tomorrow." Judging by the uncomfortable silence and the uneasy shifting of eyes, you would have thought I had just admitted allegiance to al Qaida, the Nazis, and the Huns. So we can talk about the two week dead lady with maggots eating out her eyes or the burnt carcasses of a couple that had been caught cheating by the husband or the big fat loogie hanging out of a trache hole...but GOD FORBID I mention the routine exam on my cooter. For god's sake fifty-one percent of the planet have one, and about fifty-one percent of the planet want to have an intimate relationship with somebody else's. So what's with all the unease?

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