Wow, barely a month to go before I leave this place. It's starting to make me a little nostalgic for the things that I'll be leaving. Some of the things I'll miss.
o Bobby, aka GaBS Calhoun. The f to my h, the person who keeps me entertained with his gladiator conquests, my sometimes alter-ego who makes me want to be a more outgoing person.
o Katie McW. The person who stuns with me her breadth of knowledge of the weirdest the meanings behind cemetery sculptures, ornamental grasses, and bagworms, my fellow Zhongwen learning friend and road-trip companion, the gal who makes me want to be more easy-going.
o School. What's better than going to school for a few short hours a week and then justifying only working part-time by claiming to be busy with school? Plus associating with young people makes me look younger than I actually am...Score!
o Low cost of living. It'll be a sad sad day when I actually realize how little my housing dollar is going to get me in the Seattle/Tacoma area. Probably a studio with a leaky ceiling, faulty electrical wiring that reeks of cat urine and has a crack-house next door.
o Work. It'll be even sadder when I have to work a job that isn't as accommodating and doesn't pay me too much for the lab-monkey, button pushing work I do now.
o Digital cable and HBO/Showtime. Who knows how long I'll have to do without? But I refuse to go without at least a DSL line. I'll pimp myself on the streets before I ever have to hear that click-click-click then whir of the relic known as dial-up.
Things I won't miss:
o My stupid landlady who doesn't take care of shit and is being overly aggressive about selling her money trap house and not taking into account the fact that I still FUCKING LIVE HERE!!!
o Humidity...and bad hair.
o School. I can't pontificate about feminist scholarship any more.
o The fact that nobody around here uses a turn signal. Seriously, what's so hard about it? You don't even have to take your hand off of the steering wheel.
o Ohio valley crud. It'll be nice to have a sense of smell again.
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