While perusing other blogs, I noticed a mild disagreement in the comment section about what constituted a person "living" somewhere. I guess somebody said they had "lived" somewhere for six months and another person said that six months didn't count as "living" somewhere, merely visiting. Well my personal opinion in this matter is that if you have received mail and paid at least three different bills (i.e. rent, phone, electricity) then you have actually lived there. So with that in mind, here are all of the places I've lived:
Pusan, Korea
Seoul, Korea
Amsterdam (Everybody always gets excited when they hear this, but seriously...I was like three, one of the few things I remember about that place is that an ice-cream man would come by and sell the most awesome waffles EVER!)
Ansbach, Germany
San Bernadino, CA
Redlands, CA
Ft. Leonard Wood, MO
San Antonio, TX
Puyallup, WA
Steilacoom/Lakewood/Tacoma, WA
Colorado Springs, CO
Washington DC/Arlington, VA
Newport News, VA
Mililani/Honolulu, HI
Radcliff/Louisville, KY
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