Friday, April 01, 2005

official papers

Maybe I've seen While You Were Sleeping too many times, but today I went out and applied for a passport. I'm not really sure why, I have no out-of-country travel plans in the near future but I figure if I ever meet a old-monied Dutchman who wants to take me jetsetting throughout Europe on his dime, I might as well be prepared right? Anyway, part of the application process involves submitting your old passport, which I got when I was thirteen. Looking at the thirteen year old version of LisaM. and the twenty-nine year old version, I realized that I look exactly the same, and I do mean EXACTLY THE SAME. Even the postal worker was amazed. It's almost freakish, I am either extremely youthful looking now or I was really old looking when I was thirteen. Personally I'm going with the former as the narcissist in me refuses to believe that I'm aging, in fact in my mind whenever I picture myself I look just like I did when I was twenty. A little denial is good for the old self-esteem.

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