Saturday, April 23, 2005


Last night we attempted to go out to dinner and because we're sort of poor and didn't want to go too far from home, we opted to dine at the Olive Garden. So we get there and the weather is turning to crap. We check in and there's a twenty minute wait. While waiting there seems to be some sort of commotion going on outside, people are just going out to the awning in hordes. We look outside and the clouds are SCARY, they're hanging really low in the sky and have that deep dark gray color. Then people start getting paranoid and point out funnel clouds here and there, and honestly I started to get into the whole groupthink paranoia because I started to see funnel clouds and hear sirens going off in my own head. Some crazy woman runs up and screams, "Everybody go inside, there's a tornado, I just heard it on the radio." And we don't because she's a crazy, over-dramatic, control freak and that was readily apparent. But things just keep looking worse and worse and we decide that there is no way we are dying at an Olive Garden, no way we are dying with the people at the Olive Garden. If my ghost has to haunt the place I died until the end of all time as we know it, it sure as shit isn't going to be at the Olive Garden...because looking at breadsticks for the rest of my after-life would make me a very angry ghost. So we went through a drive-thru, came home and watched Spanglish...and there wasn't a tornado the whole night.

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