Friday, November 26, 2004


I had a nice Thanksgiving. My friend's family was lovely and I got to see some high school pictures of my friend, which is always fun. No matter how cool you were in high school, looking at pictures ten years later involves just a smidge of shame, after all no amount of protesting "But it WAS IN STYLE" can explain your penchant for Cross Colors or your addiction to rugby shirts (although B. didn't show any signs of these fashion faux paux, he just looked really young). Back to Thanksgiving. I managed to not indulge in most of the seven deadlies, no gluttony for me thanks. Since I was at somebody else's house I had to control my desire to start my own pie-eating contest with me as the only contestant. It was hard though, B.'s mom made home-made pecan pie and it was just too good!!! And Grandma Cathy was a hoot! I can't wait to be back in Washington next year so we can have the first honest to goodness family Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner for the first time in twelve years. How was yours?

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