Monday, November 22, 2004

reasons to become a hermit

This is going to be a long post so be forewarned.
I was really bored at school today and had a couple of hours to waste so I thought I would drive to Walgreens to get a couple of things. So I'm driving down Eastern Parkway and I see a woman (who is holding her baby daughter) get hit by a car. At first I thought maybe she fell in the street, but no a car actually hit her. I guess she crossed the street on a green light and walked in front of a bus so the driver didn't see her and hit her. So I ended up using my car to block the road so people wouldn't try and drive by while this woman was laying in the road in the middle of a crosswalk. There were a bunch of bystanders and several people called 911 but it took FOREVER for EMS and the cops to show up. When they finally show up the woman who was hit was freaking out (as well she should) and the emergency services are doing their thing. So the family of the hit-lady show up and naturally they are freaking out. One cop, who was in the ambulance (probably getting a statement) starts SCREAMING at the family. And then the cop and the woman's uncle start REALLY getting into it, the cop is SCREAMING and SHOUTING at the guy and threatening to arrest him and it was getting REALLY REALLY UGLY. I mean I know he was "doing his job" but I thought he was being totally inappropriate and it is no wonder that the police have such a bad reputation with the black community. This cop treated the family like shit. The ambulance finally moved and I drove up and since I was a witness I went to pull into a parking lot to walk over there and give the cops my contact information. There I am in the left lane waiting to turn and all of the sudden I hear the screeching of tires. I look into my rear-view mirror just in time to see a truck barrelling down at me and BAM I get rear-ended. It wasn't too bad, but it was hard enough that it popped open my trunk. We're like 1/2 block away from the original accident so I call 911 and the lady on the phone is acting retarded because I told her we were just past Shelby Road instead of Shelby Street. So one of the cops from the first accident pulls up and he files his report. But I didn't even get a copy of that report, I have to go to the police station to pick mine up. All of this was in the space of an hour. So what lessons did I learn today?
1. Don't leave campus, just be bored. Leaving campus and driving around in bad weather is NOT a good thing. I've been in three accidents in the space of two years and they all involved rear-ending (of course one time it was me doing the rear-ending but I must have been on crack that day because I still can't figure out why I hit that guy).
2. Civic responsibility DOES NOT PAY. I was just trying to be a good citizen and give my information to the cops because a. it seemed important and b. it is against the law NOT to do so in Kentucky. In the end the cop didn't even need my number because they had enough witnesses.
3. The cosmic forces of the world don't WANT me to quit smoking. Every time I think I am ready some crap happens.
4. No matter how minor the accident, you end up really shaken up. I bummed a smoke from the guy that rear-ended me and my hands were shaking so badly that I could barely pull out a smoke. That and I smoked a menthol which I hate because it tastes like you are smoking a cigarette and chewing gum at the same time.
BLECH, what a day.

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