Monday, November 15, 2004

oh this pain

What does a kidney stone feel like at first? I mean I know eventually it becomes an excrutiating pain, but how does it start? I have this nagging sort of not-quite-pain in my side and I'm wondering if it is the beginnings of a kidney stone. Frankly I wouldn't be surprised since I drink WAY TOO MUCH coffee and not enough water and I know that is a definite precursor to stone formation. I hope not because the last thing I need is YET another thing keeping me from doing my crap-ass paper. Which by the by is going swimmingly since I decided to just write absolute malarkey since its just a draft anyway. I guess I can try to improve on it later, although truth be told if I just get a passing grade I'll be more than satisfied.
Another class of mine is actually pretty fun. We are doing this whole classroom simulation/mock city council. The role I chose and was assigned is that of the Owner/Operator of an adult book store and massage facility. The massage at this facility is apparently performed by "scantilly clad women" with no licenses or certification, and my joint is called Body Kneads. So there you go, I'm officially a simulated pimp, I don't need the Sims any longer. I bought a t-shirt with this logo to wear on the day we do my issue although I'm afraid I won't get it in time, so as a backup I made this flier. I know, I'm a dork!

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