Wednesday, November 24, 2004

lost & found

Today on the way back from the car repair place I decided to drive around get lost for a little bit. I like getting lost, and since I have no sense of direction it is REALLY easy for me to do. You would think it would be harder for me to get lost since I had oodles of map training in the military, but no...everything just ends up looking the same to me and I'm usually contemplating life and why I'm so fascinated with crazy people that I end up inviting them into my life way too often then is necessary for one person, so I don't notice landmarks or anything. But one thing about the suburbs that I hate when getting lost is that you ALWAYS wind up at a dead end. And if not a dead end, then definitely I'll run into a McDonalds. Those are two omnipresent facts of the burbs, going nowhere fast and being subjected to corporate gluttony.

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