Tuesday, November 02, 2004

democracy inaction

My friend told me a disturbing story. She was working the polls and they shut down at six. They closed the doors and turned people away. Then a doctor shows up and they let him in to vote. What the hell is that about? You can turn away regular folk but not a doctor. If he was so damn busy he should have filed an absentee ballot. So are we only allowing tardiness if your job is respectable enough? I mean this was going to be a red state whether or not this guy cast his vote (assuming he was going to vote Bush, which knowing as many doctors as I have known...I would guess YES). Total vile bullshit.
So did you vote? If the answer is no, then go the hell away and never return (unless you are under 18, not a US citizen, or a felon, then you can stay). If the answer is yes but I voted for Bush, then go to hell (kidding, I swear). I'm so full of anticipation and a little bit of dread, but I doubt the election will be decided tonight.

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