Monday, November 08, 2004

this weekend's shitlist

1. Addictions:
LisaM 0 - Cigarettes 1
2. People with pop-ups on their blogs:
If you need a song on your blog, why must you have pop-ups
3. Food Poisoning:
I just don't need that close of a relationship with my bathroom
4. Moral America:
Be concerned about how god is going to judge your own life and stop judging others' lives as well as overlooking real problems we face in this world
5. Yard Work:
Thanks to all the raking, I now have more callouses and popped open blisters than a 13 year old boy who just discovered his dad's stash of Playboys
6. Mandatory Class Attendance:
If you want people to come, then make it more interesting
7. Getting older:
One more day until I hit 29, I feel old and so far fairly unaccomplished
8. Landlords-Landladies:
Always available to pick up the rent check, never around when you need something from them
9. Loneliness:
Self-pity, the worst and most useless feeling EVER
10. Possums:
Stupid huge rat creatures creating unnecessary unease

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