Cupcakes are like little serving sized portions of youthful joy and sunshine. When have you ever eaten a cupcake and not immediately felt better? Well maybe right before you went into a diabetic coma...but that's just different. Last night Katie and I made and decorated cupcakes. It was more fun than either of us probably expected. The top three rows are my cupcakes, the bottom row is the work of Katie's creative genius...LOVING the poodle cupcake. When I eat my cupcakes, I like to lick off all the frosting and then eat the cake...sometimes if I'm so inclined I'll stick the cupcake paper thing in my mouth and chew on it for a while. Some people like to carefully remove the paper then eat the cupcake so that they get a bite of frosting with each and every bite of cake. How do you eat your cupcake (and I do mean cupcake, not some euphamism for body parts)?
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