Sunday, May 28, 2006


Today I had lunch with a friend of mine from high school. I hadn't heard from her since the last time I was Lisa M., before I ran off to the circus and joined the three ring circus known as marriage. It was GREAT! We didn't have any discernible uncomfortable moments. From the moment she walked across the parking lot and we ended up in a bear hug nine years in the making, it was all flow. We caught up on those lost years, found out that we are both in good places in our lives. We talked about how mothers never changed and that no matter what, we would never be thin enough for them. Then we shared a seriously decadent and indulgent piece of raspberry cheesecake. Passive aggressive childlike behavior with your BFF from high school...priceless.

Saturday, May 27, 2006


The other day I get a text message inviting whoever responded first to the message to the opening gala of the Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF). I had no idea who sent the message. I wrote back and said something about work conflicts and not being able to go. Minutes later I get a message back saying that the mystery messager would be going with a friend of mine. Clearly I knew the person who was sending the message. Somehow my brain decided that rather than writing and saying, "Hey, who is this?" I would call the number later when the person would most likely not answer the phone and find out who it was by listening to their voicemail message. Good plan right? The next day around lunch time I did just that, but alas the person answered....and I panicked and started a full-on fifteen minute conversation with this mystery person. It was an excellent representation of my bullshitting skills. I had NO IDEA who I was talking to, thought I could figure it out by continuiing the conversation, and maintained said conversation for an extended length with what was hopefully interpreted as sincerity and familiarity. By the time I hung up, I still had no idea who she was. Then I called another friend to see if she knew the number, she didn't. Finally, I ended up calling the person who went to the SIFF party with the stranger and found out who she was.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I'm contemplating getting into a roommate situation with a friend of mine. We've talked before about rooming together and the roommate option has been on my mind for a while. It would be extremely advantageous for me monetarily. And I really have enjoyed J.'s company each and every time we've hung out. Her apartment is great and quite spacious. And there's a yard with a fire pit and a balcony. But I'm also a bit hesitant. I LOVE living on my own and having my very own space. I love that I don't have to negotiate my space or make any adjustments based on the space somebody else requires, whether emotional or physical or metaphysical or whatever. I love walking around the house naked and eating cereal in big handfuls right from the box. I LOVE where I live, the location is phenomenal. I'm so torn and I need to make a decision in the next week. Now would definitely be the time for that handbook on life's big decisions, with the answer key in the back of course.

Monday, May 22, 2006

meating in the middle

How do those crazy zombies do it? How do they eat all that flesh? I think I've eaten more animal products in the last two days than I have in the last two months. It felt like two solid days of consuming chicken, beef and cheese...sometimes all three in one mouthful. My digestive system is not happy about the return of summertime barbecuing.

Friday, May 19, 2006


It occurred to me today that I moved back to Washington exactly one year and one day ago. Wow, that really isn't that long but I've had such a profound feeling of finally being home that it seems like much longer. And the changes I've experienced in this last year have been huge for me. I've finally really lived on my own for the first time ever. I've made a lot of physical changes for the better, to include a massive tattoo that I still have to make a conscious effort at clothing choice so my mom doesn't see it. I turned thirty, which makes the whole mom thing even funnier. I have amazing friends and my family and (super*gush) a great man in my life. It's been good, life is good despite my fickleness and tendency to dramatize and complain a lot. I made the right decision coming back here and moving up to Seattle. Happy anniversary to me!

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I'm so damn fickle. One day, I'm so pleased that the weather is great and I brag about how awesome it is. Today...I hate the heat. I'm tired because it was too hot to sleep very well. I'm nauseous because, like most warm-blooded creatures, I have a hard time eating when it gets too warm. I'm pissy because hot weather tends to bring out the suck in people. I'm sweaty and feel gross. But this is still way better than winter and thirty odd straight days of rain.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

summer lovin'

The weather here has been awesome lately. It makes me wish that I didn't sleep most of the day away and then waste the rest of the gorgeousness by being stuck in the third level of hell. But every once in a while I like to leave my superhero hideout and capture my explorations beyond my normal existence on "film", just to remind myself that my life isn't all about nightlife, the gym, and work.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

golden years

I just took a water aerobics class. Yes, that's was me and the older women jumping around in the swimming pool. But it was actually, dare I say it...a workout. I panted a little bit and had moments of muscle failure, plus trying to keep your head above water is a workout all its own. And the instructor was playing this club anthem super-cheese trance music so it felt a lot like a swimming pool rave. All I needed were some glowsticks and a binky. It was a great way to start my Saturday.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

regularly scheduled

AHHHHHHHH, I'm finally back on my regular four-day a week, every Wednesday off work schedule. It feels great and completely irresponsible because now that I've lived the high life with the extra money I was earning, it'll be hard to go back to my miserly ways. Although there is the bonus of losing weight with having to go back to my prison diet which will be good because I gained a little weight when I decided to try to kick the last little bit of my ever-reocurring smoking habit. Of course, on my first day of being off you would think that I would sleep in...but NOOOOO, stupid chirping springtime birds got me out of bed before 7am...which if you ask me is a time that shouldn't even really exist. So now that I have a whole day before me, with the weather finally deciding to agree with my schedule, what do I do with all my time? Suggestions?

Monday, May 08, 2006

brain drain

I miss being in school. I feel like my brain has atrophied like the muscles of a comatose person. The most important thought I've had today is, "Does orange juice go bad?" And the worst part is that I really don't know the answer.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

award winning

In the past few days I have been told by a handful of people that I am "the most sarcastic person EVER" and then told by other people that I may not be the MOST sarcastic person but I'm the second most or at the very least, in the top 5. That makes me seriously, I'm not being sarcastic, it really does make me happy. Especially when they qualify it as being funny sarcastic, not mean or rude sarcastic. Hey, if you're gonna do something you might as well be the best, or in the top five for bestedness. UPDATE: My friend Kanani wrote this on her myspace blog... "Mas** is funny when she is sarcastic, which is a lot and i love it."

Monday, May 01, 2006

if we took a holiday

***Long-winded post forthcoming*** After five lovely days of mini-holiday, I guess I have to return to that dull and monotonous thing known as "real-life." I had a lovely time on vacay, we started out by going to Whistler BC for a few days where much hot-tubbing was had and the area of sunburned skin was increased. On the way, we stopped by this cafe for a much needed caffeine injection and a light dinner. It was a cool place, one corner was a yarn store where lads and ladies were hanging out in a knitting circle. The other half was a cafe where an acoustic open mike night was being held and the spirits of Melissa Etheredge and Sheryl Crow were being manifested. Then on the way home, we stopped by Vancouver BC (not to be confused with Vancouver WA, known for nuclear energy sites and lots of people with seven toes on one foot) where I got to spend time with my sister by spirit, Jessica and her awesome wife Anne. We went to this super-funky sushi joint called The Eatery. The decor was great and they had these weird super-hero, anime-ish, kewpie dolls wearing black spankies and red boots...somehow, someway I am going to find out who those little guys are. Next, the long drive back to Seattle, where instead of going home, we rushed over to The Element to see an epic set by James Holden. Even in my state of sheer exhaustion, I managed to rock out. But it can't all be candy-covered roses soaked in champagne. While at The Element, I saw two of the people who were unwittingly involved in the weekend that I really feel changed the course of my current life. Seeing them made me have two responses on polar sides of the emotional spectrum. One was shock and feeling like somebody just shoved a boulder into my stomach. I simultaneously hoped they wouldn't remember me and hoped that we would talk so they could see that I wasn't the person they had met in October. I wanted them to recognize that that person was a distorted version of who I was and it was unfortunate that they met me at a time when that version dominated my life. By the end of the night, we hadn't interacted and I don't (and won't) know if they just didn't remember me or they avoided me. But either way I was okay with that. Mostly because the other emotional response I had was that when I saw them, though mortified, I also realized that I had moved past that seriously fucked up time in my life. I'm stronger in so many ways and my life has improved tremendously and seeing those people was a complete affirmation of that. All of that and we haven't even gotten to the weekend. Saturday was spent with new friends, celebrating the lives of the seven people killed at the blue house. It started off by a day-long celebration at the Seattle Center, where the ubiquitous rain forced the event indoors to the food court. It was a melange of families spending the day together and candy-ravers. The energy of the place was great, you rarely go wrong when people come together to celebrate the lives of others by sharing music, circus acts, dancing, and girls in corsets walking around on stilts. That night, more time spent with new friends and break-corp...a musical style that I don't think I will ever learn to appreciate. But that's probably for the best, I've already lost enough hearing. Sunday was unofficially declared the day of recovery. My m.o. is to have massive weekends and then lose time and miss what inevitably end up being gorgeous Seattle days. But I still managed to accomplish a few tasks; including picking up my baby, who had a glorious time at my brother's place where he was able to play with his cousins (human, canine, and feline) and had a yard to cavort in and lots of butts to sniff. And I got to eat at a Capital Hill institution, The Honeyhole, which by the way I thought was a completely different kind of place when I first moved here. I had a reuben, thanks to Katie I can no longer pass up the opportunity to eat a reuben, even though, as Devin says, it's total gutbomb food. But my permanent state of diet and starvation went on vacay too, so it's all good. Blah blah blah, and more blah blah it's Monday and I have to unpack and get back to doing all the mundane things that make you appreciate vacations. And this was a good one, it was an opportunity to reiterate the fact that my life is full of love and friendship and beautiful people and fun and passion and other indications of descriptive corniness that make you want to gag a little.