Sunday, November 14, 2010

new year

It's happened, there's no looking back. I am firmly entrenched in my thirties, I am mid-way to my forties. I am thirty five. It was a pretty phenomenal birthday. I gave myself my very first trip to San Francisco and had a great time. Most of the bases of a San Francisco expedition were covered: beautiful sunset from the Golden Gate Bridge, Chinatown with Chinese food, Haight Ashbury with a quick trip to hippie hill and a head shop, Castro and drunken revelry with young gayboys, BurningMan type gathering in the middle of nowhere, Mission District and secondhand shopping, outdoor concert in Berkley, drug deal in the Tenderloin (okay, so that one didn't actually happen), Farmer's Market on the pier with a clam chowder & wharf stop, sourdough bread consumption, trolley ride,