Thursday, September 28, 2006

self-imposed exile

I've been trying to get back on some kind of routine lately after having spent most of September, nay most of the summer, fiddling around and engaging in hedonistic revelry and debaucherous unruliness. And I decided that for my physical and fiscal health, and as a test of my willpower, I would abstain from drinking, smoking, and most nightlife socializing until the Halloween party season began. I thought that with summer ending and all, it would be easy. The weather would get poopie and people would begin preparing for winter hibernation. But then the weather got nice and I keep getting invitations for what sound like really fun parties. I always do this to myself, I set up goals that are probably a little bigger than they need to be and then I have to either choose to go through with it and feel unhappy or bail on the idea and feel some guilt about failing. UPDATE: So, having the most amazing rationalizing tools available to me...I convinced myself that I didn't need to give up drinking...I just needed to cut back to one or two a week. That sounds more doable.

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