Sunday, September 14, 2014

making lemonade out of lizlemons

I've been re-watching 30 Rock recently. Objectively speaking, I could be Liz Lemon. Except for the exercise and size 4 jeans. And the hilarity. I've been thinking that I should find a mentor, I need a Jack. I suppose there might already be a person or two who could fill that roll. I could take my neighbor lady's advice or perhaps start aping her behaviors. I half believe that she does what she does because it's fun and not to fill some empty chasm in her soul. I could take on a co-worker mentor. But then I think how drunk I have to get in order to be around the majority of them. Certainly it could not be a family member. Is there a mentor program out there for single & kinda lonely, teetering on the precipice of middle-aged women?

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