Monday, April 24, 2006


I got my very first sunburn of the season yesterday. YAY FOR SUMMER PREVIEWS!!! No, seriously...YAY, I'm stoked that summer is just around the corner. Most people are surprised that I sunburn. In fact yesterday I heard, "Wow, you're like a white-girl!" and "I didn't think you could because know...your type of skin and all." and my personal pet-fucking peeve, "Oh, I'm surprised, I didn't think people of your nationality got sun-burned." ARGGHHHHH! Now, I know most of the people who come here and smart enough to know better...but dammit there IS a difference between nationality, ethnicity, and race. I don't know why being a U.S. citizen would have any relation to my ability or inability to sunburn. GARRRRR!

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