Tuesday, January 24, 2006


My coffee addiction has now reached EPIC proportions. It all started with the reintroduction of Taster's Choice crystals, it's a Korean thing, I can't really explain it. Then around Christmas, I got an insanely generous gift card to Starbucks. And just as that started to dwindle to dangerously low levels, we got a Starbucks brewing machine at work. It makes freshly ground Starbucks coffee right there on the spot. And it's FREE...and not the free you get when you dine and dash...it is completely FREE! I will probably actually start going in the work early, instead of showing up seconds before they dock my pay for tardiness, just to make sure that the blood that flows through my veins is as thick as molasses and smells like those fancy coffee beans that come out of monkey butts.

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