Sunday, January 08, 2006

life sentence

The other day I went down to Omah's One Stop Laundromat and Grocery Store, aka my mom's house, cause I'm college dorm kid like that. I like to run my errands that involve bulky items while I'm down there because it's suburbia and therefore much easier to drive around. I went to Safeway to get the big jugs of water, a pain in the ass to carry five blocks from the grocery store here in town. As I was walking out, I ran into one of my sister's friends. I've been around her a handful of times, I've even been to her house. So I said hi to her and we hugged, but I could tell that she didn't REALLY know who I was. Right after I walked off, I guess she called my sister to ask if it was me that she just ran into. And I guess she asked, "Has your sister been in prison? She's lost a lot of weight." OKAY! I joke about being on a prison diet, but how one jumps from weight loss to incarceration is beyond me. It's bad enough that quite a few people assume that my weight loss is directly attributed to some form of drug abuse. What ever happened to the days when people could just have an eating disorder? Seriously, isn't anorexia enough, do I have to be a junkie former felon too?

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